Isn’t tomato seasonĀ the best? Nothing beats a perfect tomato sandwich or a simple Caprese salad, but if you want to think outside of the box a little, here are 6 awesome recipes to make with summer tomatoes. You’ll be wishing for summer year-round!

There are not many times of the year that I think are better than July, August, and early September, becauseĀ tomatoes. I think we are all pretty much in agreement about the fact that a tomato outside of these three months is pretty much just a vaguely tomato-flavored orb. A summer tomato, though…well, there just really isn’t much that I love more. I thought I’d share with you some of my favorite recipes to make with summer tomatoes!
Green Tomatoes
Your tomatoes don’t have to be ripe to be a perfect specimen. In fact, I love a green tomato almost as much as I love a perfectly ripe red tomato that requires three napkins (and probably a sink to lean over) to eat. Green tomatoes aren’t always easy to find, but this is one iteration of tomato that I am happy to buy at the supermarket, and they are usually available at Publix. I haven’t tried it, but I have read that if you can’t find a green tomato, an unripe supermarket red tomato can actually make a decent substitute.

Beefsteak Tomatoes
The classics, beefsteak tomatoes are what you see on just about every produce stand’s tables this time of year. When they are perfectly ripe, they are impossibly red and juicy and I couldn’t possibly hate on them. Feel free to sub in any red, yellow, orange, or even purple tomato in these recipes!

Grape or Cherry Tomatoes
Tiny tomatoes can be a little harder to find at the farmers market or produce stand, but you can find them if you look hard enough. Or grow your own! But seriously, even if you make these recipes with grocery store tomatoes, you won’t regret it.

I hope these recipes get you excited about summer tomatoes! I know that I am personally excited to still have a couple of months to look forward to them. If writing this post has shown me anything, though, it’s that I need to get on creating more tomato recipes for you!