One of the best things about summer is the fruit! Of course it’s delicious on its own, but how can you resist these 9 amazing summer fruit desserts?

Summer fruit desserts are one of my favorite things! Summer produce is one of the best parts of summer, in my opinion. And while there is really nothing better than a perfectly ripe fresh peach that doesn’t need a single grain of sugar added to it, summer fruits are amazing to bake with. Pies, cakes, tarts, cobblers…there’s really no limit to the desserts that you can make with your farmer’s market haul. Here are 9 of my favorites!
The first sign of summer is fresh strawberries. They don’t stick around for long, but a beautiful fresh strawberry is like nothing that you’ll find in the grocery store in the middle of winter. I’ve got quite a few strawberry desserts to share with you!

As I type this, I just picked a pint jar full of blueberries from the bushes in my front yard, and that makes me so happy. I probably won’t get enough to make any of these delicious desserts, but supermarket blueberries (even frozen!) are amazing here!

I think peaches may be my favorite fruit, so its odd that I really don’t have that many peach recipes on my blog. But the two that I have are pretty great, if I do say so myself.