As I type this, it’s been nearly a week since I published a new post. Sure, I had a meal at a locally-owned restaurant late last week that was decent enough to be blogged about. Yes, there were Christmas goodies that I had the best of intentions to share the recipes with you. But here’s the problem: apathy struck.
It’s not permanent, I promise. The deal is, Christmas is already a little nuts. My kitchen is an über-mess and of course we did the family thing on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. I attempted some photos in my sister’s kitchen on Christmas morning but when you’re taking photos under duress (i.e. people want to eat) of things that are covered in icing (sweet rolls) in a kitchen you aren’t used to (where’s my step stool????) your photos probably won’t turn out and you’ll roll your eyes and delete the entire folder instead of just using the crappy photos. I have to draw the “standards line” somewhere.
Then, of course, there’s all the couch surfing I’ve been doing lately. A minor knee surgery last Friday has affected me way, way more than I anticipated. My knee feels great….hardly any pain at all (a little itching, but I guess that just means it’s healing) and I popped out of general anesthesia with almost the energy of a marathon runner, telling my husband while I was in secondary recovery that my nurse better hurry up and eat her lunch because it was like two in the afternoon and I had not eaten since the midnight the night before and I needed to get some sustenance in my body. I really wanted to go to Five Guys and get a ginormous burger but since traffic was insanity we settled for the Subway next door to the CVS where Philip filled my prescription for pain pills that I’ve barely touched. Anyway, I have veered off topic. Couch sitting. Surprisingly you can handle anesthesia like a champ and have almost zero pain and yet every activity you complete makes you feel like you need a nap. On Sunday I removed my bandages and showered for the first time since the surgery then I had to come lie on the couch. I am not joking.
I’m building my activity tolerance back up. Yesterday I walked around the mall then came home and pouted because I felt like hot death and I can’t take a bath (sutures) and my back and legs were killing me. Needless to say, there hasn’t been much cooking in my house and there’s been even less photography. I am taking a Photoshop class and re-reading Plate to Pixel for like the third time and still considering what I want my mark on the food blog world to be (besides my restaurant reviews, obviously). Hopefully I’ll be back in full force by this weekend, because I can at least eat food that someone else cooked.
Sorry if this is TMI all the way around. I suppose I just needed an outlet and God knows my poor husband, who has waited on me hand and foot (I love that man!) has heard me whine enough over the last week about how tired I am and how much I feel like a big baby because I can’t do anything without needing a nap and (ironically) I am tired of being so whiny. Hopefully my apathy ends soon. Anyone need any recipes for New Years?
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