In the summer, drinking coffee during the daytime can be a bit problematic, but that problem is easily solved with this amaretto & Irish creme iced coffee!
I was a very disorganized child. A Type A overachiever, yes, but one who managed to be a Type A overachiever while papers fell out of my Trapper Keeper and flooded my book bag. It’s a miracle that I ever got homework turned in or got papers signed, though the one time I remember ever getting in trouble at school for something more serious than talking when we were supposed to be silent was for forging my mom’s signature on a quiz I’d forgotten to have her sign. I got a 100 but had terrible handwriting (which might be a shock to anyone who’s seen my handwriting in the last 25 years) and my teacher immediately knew that I had signed it myself. I had to stand “on the line” at recess for five minutes. I was mortified.
I was actually pretty disorganized well into adulthood (thank God I have a good memory) but about five years ago something clicked and I became über-organized. I love to organize files at work (don’t show me a file you don’t want organized) and I have a collection of paper clips and binder clips. Office Depot is like Shangri-la to me. Now, my house is kind of messy, but I like order and routine. I think this comes from years of teaching special education, where schedules are paramount and you don’t make changes without warning if you can avoid it. I got used to it too and now I’m hooked.
At home we’re relaxed but we definitely have a loose routine. It’s not like things have to happen around here at the exact same time every night, but they happen in the same order, anyway, and if that order gets disrupted we definitely feel out of sorts. One of our favorite routines is afternoon coffee, which we do every Saturday and Sunday. In the summertime, though, afternoon coffee can be a little problematic since, you know, if gets pretty darn hot around here.
So, iced coffee it is. Iced coffee is best when it’s made from cold brew, which is so simple that you are out of your mind if you don’t try this-just stir it up, let it sit for a while, then strain it. Mix it with whatever milk and flavorings you like (we used almond milk, Irish creme, and amaretto for this one but I’m just as likely to just use regular milk and no flavoring, or some simple syrup) and you have a perfect iced coffee for way cheaper than you can get in any coffee shop. I’m big on that-how much can I make something for versus buying it in a restaurant-so having iced coffee that costs me next to nothing is a pretty big deal to me.
How do you like your iced coffee?
Yield: 2 servings
12 hr, 5 Prep Time:
- 1/3 cup ground coffee
- 1 1/2 cups water
- 1 recipe cold brew coffee
- 2 tablespoons amaretto (or 1 tablespoon amaretto-flavored coffee syrup)
- 2 tablespoons Irish creme (or 1 tablespoon Irish creme flavored coffee syrup)
- 1 cup regular, almond, or soy milk
- ice
- To make the cold brew, combine the ground coffee and the water in a jar and allow to sit for 12 hours or overnight. Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. Refrigerate until ready to use.
- Divide the cold brew between two 16-ounce glasses. Add 1/2 cup milk to each glass.
- Divide the flavorings between the glasses. Stir and fill each glass to the top with ice. Serve immediately.
Click here to print the recipe for amaretto & irish creme iced coffee!

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